What is a Medium Reading?


At one time, being a Medium was 'parlor entertainment' to amuse guests and create a fascinating evening.

Times have changed.

“Readings” or talking to departed ones can be a form of healing.

Often people in our lives leave this earth plane in a wake of tears, frustration, misunderstanding or confusion.

I see Reading for people as a healing format to answer misunderstandings

or connecting to soothe the separation.

Experiencing a shift in understanding is one of my goals.

What I have experienced is a healing of perception on both sides.

Angers are softened when we hear both sides.

Connecting the dots explains so many unanswered questions.

Bringing light to wounds is often a goal.

 Understanding actions that have been experienced is healing.

Pain of separation is often softened.

It is my intention to deliver messages that will ease the separation

and aid in healing wounds.

I try to find peace on both sides.


Simply Joan


"Joan’s reading with me was unlike any type of mediumship reading I have had before.

It was very sensitive, insightful and specific. As a result of her reading, I have a deeper understanding and perspective and a greater degree of empathy now for some family members, than I ever was able to have while they were alive. 

I would highly recommend Joan to anyone who was interested in connecting with their departed loved ones if they’re looking for answers and especially if they’re looking for closure. Thank you, you are a truly gifted medium, Joan."

"I’m still processing yesterday’s enlightening session (our second session),

but wanted to thank you again for your willingness to try to connect with my father for a second time and your sensitivity and skill at doing it. I really appreciated that as it helped to explain a lot. I gained valuable insight regarding him, including my role in all this. I especially appreciated finding out how I can help those on the other side to heal from the negativity and “pollution” in the bloodline. Really powerful stuff." 

P.L.A. -Vero Beach, Florida- Life Coach, Reiki Master,

Author of “Awakening To The Wisdom Of Your Soul”