Simply Asking Joan

My Philosophy

"I have not the courage to search through books for beautiful prayers......

Unable either to say them all or choose between them,

I do as a child would do who cannot read.

I say just what I want to say to God,

Quite Simply,

and He never fails to understand."


 St Therese of Lisieux

Keep It Simple

Simplicity and Joy

When I was speaking of joy,

I was speaking to you.

Joy is something you cannot buy.

It is something you cannot build.

It comes from your heart.

It can be recalled in your mind’s eye.

It can be shared.

There is no price for joy.

Just a smile, a compliment, a baby,

a happy memory, a phone call,

a cat in your lap, a dog wagging his tail.

How simple can it be?

Perhaps simplicity is the answer.

This is what so many are missing.

 (Message channeled by Simply Joan)

The Mouse? Why the Mouse?

The mouse you ask. Why the Mouse?

It is a funny little creature.

It is very shy but always watching.

It harvests for the lean times.

It takes care of it’s young until they can take care of themselves.

You, My Dear, can relate to this.

You hold in yourself the meekness

and yet the tenacity of a little seemingly defenseless creature

and yet you can take on overwhelming tasks.

This is what you have done all your life.

You are vulnerable like the little mouse, yet you do not let this stop you.

‘One thing at a time’ is that not what you have always said?

This is what these wee little ones are all about.

They stay focused on their path and are not swayed.

Their tenacity is unbeatable.

You, My Dear One, have always done this in your ‘everyday work’.

Simple like a mouse.

Unpretentious like a mouse,

Hard worker like a mouse.

Undaunted like a mouse.

One more thing, seemingly messy but always on task, we might add.


Joan's ability to bridge the gap between me and my departed loved one was a profoundly enlightening experience. Admittedly, I approached this with a fair amount of skepticism, given that it was my first experience with a medium. However, my doubts quickly dissipated once the session started, revealing Joan's genuine connection to the spiritual world. The reading's accuracy was unexpectedly impressive, offering insights and counsel that struck a deep chord within me. Joan's skill in providing specific details and meaningful guidance truly made this a memorable and impactful experience.

A.C. - Georgia - Data Analyst 

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