Simply Asking Joan

Stories Shared

Grasshopper Confirmation

During one of my first sessions, I was asked to invite in a beloved Grandfather.

He was so excited to talk to his very special Granddaughter.

As I was reading him, he called her “Grasshopper”.

He said it was because of her vibrant energy.

He said she was so full of energy


hopped all over the place as a young child.

The next day I received an excited email.

The person I read for found a huge grasshopper on her front porch!

Now there was no vegetation in her front yard, just rocks!

As I was thinking about her grasshopper,

I wandered out in my yard.

What do you think I found but a large green grasshopper sitting on a pink rose!?!

I took this to be a confirmation that her grandfather sent!


  This confirmed I was really talking to a loved one from the other side!!!!

Music Box

 I brought a lovely lady's sister in from the Other Side. 

During this Medium Reading I heard,

"I will send you a sign".

I relayed this message.

Well, the following week I received an email from this gentle lady who received the reading.           

   "My music box started playing!

I have not touched that box in over a year and it just started playing!

I know it was my sister!"


I love confirmation stories!

Flickering Spirit

We began our video reading and called her father's spirit in for a reading. 

I recognized him when he wandered in because she invited him in another reading.

 We began the reading and the static began.

The sound seemed to be coming from her side.

She checked all her equipment, readjusted where she was sitting. Nothing worked.

I made a comment about something 'flickering'. I was not thinking about the sound issue.

Then it struck me!

"Your Dad! It's your Dad! He's making your sound and picture flicker!"

She then said "Dad, is that you making my sound and picture flicker?" 

Well guess what!! The flickering stopped!!!!


Spirits can really do things to let us know they are with us!

Grandma and Modern Connections

She asked, “Do you think you can bring in my Grandma again?”

We have had multiple readings, so when she asked for “Grandma”, I knew exactly who to call in.

  She had had a reading earlier that day and was told that she would be working with her Grandma during her healing work. 

So, in Grandma comes! There was excitement in the air.

Both Grandma and granddaughter were so excited to be working from both sides.

As we talked, the video sound kept being interrupted.

It sounded like someone was talking on the virtual connection.

Finally, I said " I think Grandma is trying to talk through the computer virtual meeting!"

We listened! It kept happening. It sounded like a voice.

We finally agreed. It was Grandma.

We explained to Grandma that she needed to come through us!

Computers weren’t around when she was on earth but that didn't stop her.

She stopped!

PS....Update.....She has started again and even stronger!!!!

PSS..... She is now making glowing light shapes appear while I talk on our video calls!


She is finding new ways to connect! 

Lady Bug Sent From My Dad

"I have kind of a funny story to share with you…

Remember during your reading how my dad said he sends me ladybugs as signs…??? 

Earlier today, I grabbed my cup of water, took a drink from my straw. Yikes! I felt like something solid came through the straw.

Then I felt something moving in my mouth.

I spit it out and there was a ladybug!!! 

I guess it was inside my straw when I took a drink... lol!!!

 Luckily, I spit it out and didn’t bite down on it.

The ladybug is fine and has been hanging out on my sweater ever since. 

I just thought that was so funny and you might appreciate hearing about it." 


Thank you for sharing your story! 

Spirits connect and confirm in meaningful ways!

Angels and Pennies

I am forever finding pennies in the strangest places but never like this.

My father quietly passed to the other side and his cute little black, curly, loving dog became mine. Her life eventually declined to the point that I had to make a decision. She could no long see and could not adjust. She was so totally frustrated to the point that she was crying. The day came that it was clear that I had to make the decision to assist her to go back home to her "Daddy".

I drove her to the vet crying all the way. I got out of the car and opened the back door to get her carrier and checking the ground to be sure the ground was clear to carry her into the vet.

She left peacefully. My heart was broken but I knew she was going back "home to her Daddy". I always believed that when I found a penny, I knew an Angel has been here.

Well, when I got back to the car, what should I find but a shiny penny right in front of my car door. I knew that that penny had not been there before I took her into the vet.


Thank you for your loving confirmation that I did the right thing, and she is in loving hands!


My Dog Was Barking an Alert

Last night my dog went crazy turning in different directions and barking an alert.

I checked my pendulum, and it affirmed my intuition that my grandma and mom had come to visit.

They told me through the pendulum pad, to tell dad they loved him.

I was happy but confused as I had talked to my grandmother earlier that evening through you Joan.
The next day, I visited my Dad at the nursing home. I shared with him their message.

He then told me he had asked his mom and dad in heaven last night to find a way to tell him that they were around him.

When I told him their message, he told me that I had answered his prayer. We had a wonderful conversation.

So amazing. Verification for both of us. He was worried about his dad.

Thank you Joan, so much for letting me talk to my grandmother on the other side as I could answer his questions!