Messages As They Come to Me

A Message to Joan

"You have been put here on earth to relay messages from those who have left the earth plane

This will be a calming responsibility

Hold this in your heart

Watch it unfold

It will be treasured by those who receive"


Here are Messages that may be for You:

The Pain of Separation is Great

"There are those who hold pain in their heart.

We want to assure them that their loved ones are in safe keeping and are sending love.

The pain of separation is great.

Quiet your mind and listen to messages that they are sending.

Messages also come through

 birds, feathers, rainbows, lady bugs,

warm winds, gentle shivers,

music boxes, blinking light bulbs, butterflies, clouds,

scents that come from 'nowhere' and so much more."


Just Listen

"Just listen.......We are always speaking to you.

Just listen to the silence....

Clear your mind.....

Then listen.....

Sometimes the silence is just that....silence

Sometimes it is a way of saying 'calm your busy mind' ...

Why do you choose to over think things?

Wait .......the answer will come...

Calm yourself...

Let the thoughts flow in...

Peace in your heart...

Do you feel it now?"




If Only

"If only I could be a butterfly and see the world from up above

What would I see?

Would I see the beauty or the pain?

The joy or the sadness?

Or would I see the possibilities?

Would I see how beautiful I am

Or be unaware of myself?

If only I could be a butterfly"



Truly Living Your Life’s Purpose 

The surest way to know if someone is truly living their life’s purpose is by how they feel while doing it

and hopefully the feeling is something closely resembling joy.

Each of us has our own unique way to express joy in this life

and when you find out what that thing is that brings you innate joy

and then find a way to incorporate it into your life,

you are truly living the life your soul designed for you to live.

****message emailed to Joan from Lynn Ahearn****

Author of Awakening To The Wisdom Of Your Soul

                                   by P. Lynn Ahearn 

(available on Amazon)


A Gift

 "I want to share with you that there will be a lull before the flood comes.

Use this time to find the beauty in all that you do. 

We will be with you and will be guiding you through all phases of your gift for that is what it is...... A Gift.

It has been given to you with love

from those who have always loved you from up above.

Continue working on quieting your mind.

This stillness will bring you peace".


Measure Happenings

"Years flip by like pages in a book.

To anticipate what comes next will only confuse you.

Simply go for the ride and enjoy the change of scenery like you would on a train ride.

Enjoy each stop as you go and explore.

To measure things by years is only a source of frustration.

Measure happenings rather than years."


Waiting, Waiting

"Time is all relative.

You will forget the hours and minutes and weeks of waiting.

It is all planned.

You will not recall the wait.

You will recall the discovery.

Hold on...

Hold on......

 You will look upon all this with great fondness."


 Worth Every Penny

"As you know, money is not our thing.

When you ask for payment,

you are then tied to the outcome.

This is not always a pleasant thing.

When you give your time freely, sometimes animosity is felt.

So, exchanging energy to even out the sharing is always best.


Exchanging of energy is what is happening.

Your knowledge or 'knowing' is energy.

Their funds are energy to them.

This can be exchanged equally.


The love of a child is exchanged by the smile of a little one.

This is exchange of energy.

The smile on someone who finds their loved one

is an exchange that cannot be priced


your time to deliver this exchange is worth every penny   

.........and as you know, we are fond of pennies!"



 Calm you ask

"Is there a way to keep calm you ask.

Is there a way to get angry?

Is this a choice you ask.....

There are those who choose to be angry

but this only leads to more anger.

Is this what you choose?

Can you find a kind spot in your heart when it was last calm?

Can you still feel it?

Does it still feel like something you want to invite back into your thoughts?


If it does feel good......invite it back.

Take a broom and sweep out the other feelings that do not bring you a sense of well-being...  

Calm feels soft

Calm feels caring

Calm feels peaceful

Is this what you want to invite back into your heart and mind?

Is this what you want to share?

Is this what you want to receive?"




"There are those who take

and those who give.

There are those who demand

and those who wish.

There are still others who expect

and those who are thankful.


When you are gifted,

you must be grateful

for the gift has been given from the heart

and shall never be returned.


The joy in giving is thanks enough for those who gift with no thoughts of receiving." 

The Call

As you sit here with a beautiful silly cat watching,

I am watching over your shoulder....

I see you heeding the call.....

"What is this call?" you say...

It is a call of Service............

It is a call of healing.........       

It is a call to love yourself...........

Can you?

      Will you heed this call?

Will you awaken yourself to the beckoning of those before you?

Will you heed our words?

Will you love yourself?

             We are here awaiting your answer........


So Now What???

So now what do I do?

Shall I make new connections?

No, they will find you

So, am I to just sit and wait?

Yes, this is correct

All in good time

It is all planned

Clean your home

Put all your things in order

It will all come in the order planned

Peace my child


Tend your flowers

Care for the birds

Smile at strangers

Your Heart is in the right place now

Peace My 'Little Flower'




"Cry Uncle"

What’s the difference between inside pain and outside pain?

The pain you feel on the outside can be band-aided. It can heal and you can watch it.


The pain on the inside will fester and fester and eventually weaken you to the point of “Uncle”. It is at that point when you cry “Uncle” that you begin to heal that pain.


The pain inside can manifest many symptoms.

Often oblivious at first but still decaying part of you.

You will recognize the symptoms.

Sensitivity to seemingly little words that hurt,

shying away from things that take the pain away, feelings of helplessness.


Once you bring this wound out in the sunshine, it will begin to heal.

Sunshine being awareness.


Listen to your quiet thoughts.

Listen to your skin crawling at the mention of simple things that make you uncomfortable.

Listen to your thoughts for they are crying out to be heard and healed.

Be kind to these thoughts. Embrace these thoughts.

Follow these thoughts to see where they come from.

They are beliefs you have held since childhood.

Thoughts that your innocent child formed when she had no alternative thought.


Sit down with this innocent child, and I do mean innocent,


offer her an alternative way of thinking.

Then bless this child and watch her grow.


This my child is what you have done and I applaud you for your bravery.



Tend the garden

"I will talk to you Joan, My Dear Joan."

"Have I talked to you before?"


"Patience My Dear One."

"I thought I had patience."

"You do, Dear One, but you need more.

Without patience, you would dig up a seedling before it has even budded.

You would miss the glorious flower.


The world is going through upheaval as a farmer or gardener digs and turns the soil.

She pulls the weeds as they pop their heads out

but some of those weeds may be the seedlings that she planted.


Give time, let the seeds sprout.

Let thoughts form. Watch them grow. See the beauty in them.

Some weeds are beautiful.

Allow them to thrive for they may be food for birds.

Eventually the seeds you plant will come up.

Some much later than you thought.

Had you not had patience,

you would have turned the soil and over seeded and ended up killing the plants you really wanted.


So this is what is happing in this world now.

Seeds have been planted a long time ago -

Freedom, Equality, Kindness, Compassion.


Right now there are gardeners who are turning the soil too quickly.

 Anxious to possess the garden – Ignoring the beauty in the weeds.

Unwilling to feed the garden with Kindness and Patience to let the beauty come forth in its own time.

You must be the one to be compassionate and let the young seedlings develop and bloom.

Listen, Care, Compassion for wild concepts that just may make sense.

Have patience with the upheaval.

Tend to the new.

Cherish the beauty of each stage of growth. 

Beautiful flowers will grow in our gardens.



Heart vs Mind

When I come to 'Mind', I see a tool that interferes with the eternal plan.

It divides, simplifies, controls and manipulates.


When I come to 'Heart', I see love, pain, children, 'right' behavior and spontaneous love.

It fills the room with warmth. It ‘breaks’ from loss of all kinds.


The heart often is not listened to, but it does control ever thing.

For when the heart is broken, the mind does not work for the highest good.

When it loves, then the heart works to ‘mend fences’, to heal wounds, to seek joy.


Listen to your heart. The mind will fight you, but you must re-direct.

Take the right path for it will bring you to joy.


Not Time

When is it time to do something?

You will know by the feel.

What is it going to feel like?

It will feel like a push.

Why must I wait?

Because it is not time, you silly!~


You Are a Cheer Leader

You are a cheerleader.

Please accept this gift.

Your words have great weight.

Continue on your path.

There are many who listen to you.

We applaud your tenacity.

Always trust your judgement.



 There are things you know and things you do not know.

If you knew it all, you would never have discovery.

Now, wouldn’t life be dull?

Think about the joy when you discovered a baby, and all the intricacies of a baby’s needs.

Think about discovering a flower and who this flower invites into its short life.

Think about humans and the knowledge a human will allow into its mind.

Some keep blocks up to avoid the truth.

Others have been brain washed to not let truth in.

They have lost their ability to differentiate between good and evil,

between kind and mean, control and freedom AND love and hate.

We are being simplistic, we know, but this is what you are seeing now.

How do we clean this all up and ‘wipe the slate clean’ you ask….



Without education, not indoctrination, we will only lose our ability to see the truth.

History must be taught, science, literature, a wide variety of knowledge must be shown to all to have many perceptions of our universe and beyond.

This is obvious you say?

Look around---Watch the news.

Many have been brain washed, not educated.



Simplicity and Joy


When I was speaking of joy, I was speaking to you.

Joy is something you cannot buy.

It is something you cannot build.

It comes from your heart.

It can be recalled in your mind’s eye.

It can be shared.

There is no price for joy.

Just a smile, a compliment, a baby,

a happy memory, a phone call,

a cat in your lap, a dog wagging his tail.

How simple can it be?

Perhaps simplicity is the answer.

This is what so many are missing.


If Only

If only I could see

If only I could hear

If only I could touch once again

My heart aches for your loss


You only need reach out and touch

You only need quiet your mind and listen

You only need smile and feel my smile warm your face


For I can see you

I can hear your heart

I am here with you always

You need only think me and I am there with you



Love of a Cat

The love of a cat is a special bond.

When you have been bestowed the love of a cat,

You have been chosen.

You have been anointed.

For a cat does not just randomly love…….

A cat has given you his trust and adoration.


This is a message from up above…..Accept it………



(I was picturing a steam locomotive, but he said “Train”.)

You are the train.

You carry baggage.

You also carry building material.

The train has a soul

It has smoke and fire

It creates energy

Where do I fit in this picture? You ask..

You are all of these things.

Resting in the station - thinking, building up steam  

Huffing and puffing

Winding tracks

Up a mountain, down a mountain

Finally at it’s destination

Until another trip

The only difference is you can determine what baggage you chose to carry.

Why do you want to weigh yourself down?

A light train is easier to move.

What baggage are you carrying that you no longer need?

Ponder this through out your day.


Plant Peace

There is peace in my heart

I can feel it

There is noise outside my door

I will keep the door closed

I live in my heart

Only love resides here in my heart

The Light shall disinfect the lies

Hold onto your beliefs

Keep calm in your heart

Ground yourself

Feed the birds

Hold onto your peace and nurture it

The script has been written

All will be well, but you must stay centered and ground yourself

Plant flowers this Spring

Pull weeds knowing that each weed is an untruth

Plant seeds of truth

Visualize each seed being a knowing that all will grow into more seeds of truth

Stay calm.

Stay grounded


Mighty is…………..


Mighty is the child with her laughter,

for she can move your heart to joy


Mighty is the smile you give to a stranger,

for you have taken the weight of the world off his shoulders for a moment and you have given him hope


Mighty is the butterfly that flits from flower to flower,

for she has taken your heart and given you hope and awe to carry in your heart


Mighty is laughter of a loved one

for he has given you a moment of joy to fill your day


These are all but simple acts that can lift you up

You too can share this joy by just a smile

It will bring the sunshine out for a moment


Many of us just need a moment to lift us up to see God’s joy in us


If Only

If only I had a million dollars……..

If only I had a prettier house………..

If only I had someone to love me…………

If only I had……..

Why are you basing your happiness on possessions?

Why are you basing your well-being on things?

If you are not happy within yourself, then you will never be happy.

Each acquisition only takes you to another need or want.

Be content inside of yourself.

You must find peace ‘within’ first before you can find peace without.

You must find joy ‘within’ before you can find joy without.

Find the beauty in yourself.

Delete the messages given to you when you were young.

You had total trust and no discernment to know any difference between you and others.

Now you have the ability to know yourself, trust yourself.

Hold onto the “knowings” that fill your thoughts.

Let go of the messages given to you when you were young and did not know the difference.


They were values not your own.

They were angers not your own.

They were feelings not your own.

They were criticisms not your own.

Find the trust within.

Find your own truth.



That's Just Life

Perhaps you will go on a roller coaster ride…..

Perhaps you will go for a walk……..

Either way, you will still come to a conclusion….

That's just life.


On Judging


Why must you feel the need to judge?

Is it because you are threatened?

Could it be because you dislike the person?

Can you hold your judgement until you see the whole person?

Many people hide themselves for fear of judgement.

So if they are hiding themselves, how can you judge what you cannot see?

Simply accept what they present to you.

Wait till they are comfortable to open up.

You may just see a beautiful flower blooming.


Should they open up to expose themselves, you can ask yourself,

“ How have they been hurt to wear such a mask?”

Just be kind. Be patient.


You too are being judged.

Give them space. Give them time.

Keep some for yourself, but give them love and kindness.

They can always grow by example.

This is what will be asked of you soon.


Discovery Process

Like all things….

It is a 'Discovery' process

Your reality is what you believe

Your truth is your reality


You can choose to think another way,

but then you will have to close another reality

and shape the new to your Truth

There is no ”One Answer”


Only time will win out as new information is presented to you

Hold on to what makes your Happy

Hold on to what brings you Joy!



When I think of you,

I think of cats.

They are independent but curious.

They observe your behavior.

They curl up next to those they trust.


Their movement is with purpose.

These furry creatures are very aware of their surroundings at all times.


This is what I ask of you….

To be aware of your surroundings for there are clues of heavenly beings everywhere.



Angelic Message

channeled from the Healing Angels


The human body is so complex.

You must be specific.

Each of our Angels has specific jobs because humans are so complex.

Think of it as a requisition form.

You must check the right box

and then

we relay this information to the right Angel.

Angels are delighted to receive your requests.

There are many healing Angels just waiting for your request.


I asked:

Can you send me a shorter form of this discussion

so that I can share this with everyone?





Angel Request Form

State your intention and you have the Angels’ attention.

Be specific and the right Angel will respond.

Is it health of:

  • heart
  • feelings
  • soul
  • body
  • mind?

Angels are eternally grateful that they can be of help!

Don’t forget to say Thank You!


Peaceful Conclusion


When I speak of listening

I speak of knowing


When I have a knowing

I have a longing for truth


When I have truth

I have peace in my heart


This is where I wish to be

Peace in my heart that nothing will unsettle me


I can remain calm

I can see without judgement

I am coming to a peace conclusion


This is where I like to land my feet…..


They will see healing in your eyes and smile

You are now being guided to listen to those who have been hurting and have found their way.

We have listened to your prayers of request.

We have listened to their requests.

They have a powerful need to express themselves and be approved or received.

They need verification and you have given this to them.

You are a receiver. They need this. Continue on.

You will soon connect the dots.

Listening is a fine art. This is what you are being asked to do.

These are lovely, hurt sometimes, broken people need to be heard.

You need say nothing.

Their answer that they are seeking is in your eyes.

You have done a good job my dear one.


Hear the brokenness in them that is pouring out.

Hear the healing that is happening.

They will see healing in your eyes and smile.

That is all they need.

Amen, So be it



When You Clean

When you clean and put order back into the room, you are putting order to your thoughts as well.

When your thoughts are in an orderly, rhythmical meaningful manor, then your brain, heart and senses can then untangle from the chaos.

You will then be able to make sense of all your worlds.

Your mind will no longer be cluttered.

You are then opening the door to more inspiration from above.

This is where the saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.

It is not that God can only reach you when your room is clean.

It is just easier to receive inspiration when your mind is not jumping from thought to thought.

This leads us to “Less is More”.

When there is less visual stimulation,

you are free to let your thoughts, heart, spirit wander into new ideas.

The energy of things, when there are too many things, clutters the room.

It will clutter your heart, sight and mind and keep inspiration and messages from coming in.






When I think of you,

I think of cats.

They are independent but curious.

They observe your behavior.

They curl up next to those they trust.


Their movement is with purpose.

These furry creatures are very aware of their surroundings at all times.


This is what I ask of you….

To be aware of your surroundings

for there are clues of heavenly beings everywhere.



We see things through the lens that we most use

The answer is that we will always see things through whatever lens we are wearing.

It is difficult to change lenses.

When we see people, we judge by what lens we are wearing. 

-be it pain, self judgement, kindness, cruelty, happiness-

Whatever lens we are wearing is how we define our surroundings.

-Security, insecurity, self-awareness, self-denial, self-love-

Whatever we are wearing will be our filter.

This is the lesson of this experience.

Switch lenses, switch perceptions.

Look at things from all sides.

Step back and wait till all is revealed. This applies to all phases of our lives."



They will see healing in your eyes and smile


You are now being guided to listen to those who have been hurting and have lost their way.

We have listened to your prayers of request.

We have listened to their requests.

They have a powerful need to express themselves and be approved or received.

They need verification and you have given this to them.

You are a receiver. They need this. Continue on.

You will soon connect the dots.

Listening is a fine art. This is what you are being asked to do.

These are lovely, hurt sometimes, broken people need to be heard.

You need say nothing.

Their answer that they are seeking is in your eyes.

You have done a good job my dear one.


Hear the brokenness in them that is pouring out.

Hear the healing that is happening.

They will see healing in your eyes and smile.

That is all they need.


I Am the Feminine Collective


"I am here to speak of your sadness yesterday.

You were picking up the collective sadness of the country.

The head lock that the country has been in…

All things are about to change.

Goodness will win out over domination.

This is a joyous occasion.

There will be dancing in the streets.

You witnessed this when you and your daughters attended the “Women’s March” demonstration.

(After Mr. Trump’s Inauguration)

This was to show you all the power women have NOW and this power can no longer be suppressed.

There will be dancing in the streets all over the world.

This has been given birth this weekend.

More peaceful decisions will be made.

You are witnessing a miracle.

This will change the whole world.

Battles need not be fought with guns and knives.

Hold your breath – There is much more to come."


“Who are you?”


“I am the feminine collective.”



New Things Are Coming


Can you feel it in the air?

Can you feel the change?

You too, Dear One, are going to experience some changes

Energy is shifting

Attitudes are sharpening

Truth is rising its beautiful head

Keep smiling

Keep looking at people in the eye

Open your eyes

See the new world

It has always been there

It is love

It is truth

It is caring

Open your heart

Pray for those whose hearts are closed.


Take A Second

If only I could wave a wand and make it all go away

If only I could see a smile emerge from behind that tear

If only I could heal minds to see things as they really are

If only I could feel the love others feel through my day

 To feel this love throughout the day you must stop in the minute and just smile at what you see

See the caterpillar climbing and know that it will turn into a magnificent butterfly

Take a second and check your thoughts

At this exact moment----

Are you smiling?

Are you sad?

Are you angry?

Are you mad?

Now take this moment as a snapshot and put it into your heart and go about your day

All messages have been channeled through

Simply Joan


Send It Back With Love